Since we had so much fun snorkeling at Sea Lodge in the morning, we decided to head for another local beach in the afternoon. We had been told that Anini was good for boogie boarding as well, but the more we read about it, the more that seemed unlikely. So we snorkeled for awhile longer at Anini Beach, and then managed to stop off for some boogie boarding on the way home at Waipouli Beach. It's kind of absurd when you think about it. There are so many beaches here that they each have a personality, not to mention a designated activity that works best there (surfing, swimming, snorkeling, boogie boarding, etc.).
The reef at Anini is fairly far out to sea, so we got to swim through some shallow water before getting there. On the way, we were lucky enough to see a couple sea turtles.
And they clearly saw us as well.

This fish woke up on the wrong side of the bed.
Looks like a Puffer, but I'm not sure.

Part 1 of The Butterfly Trilogy: Raccoon Butterfly Fish

Threadfin Butterfly Fish

Milletseed Butterfly Fish

Some sort of wrasse, possibly ornate wrasse?
Eye-stripe Surgeonfish
School is in session.

Little Bitty Yellow Tang
The graceful Moorish Idol
Here, the Tang and the Idol join a Threadfin Butterly. We all live in a yellow submarine...
Betsy spotted this well-camouflaged Leaf Scorpion Fish. Can you see it? Hint: it's tail is in the top middle, and it's facing toward the bottom of the photo.
Coronet fish may look menacing, but they were actually quite curious. They would often pose for me, examining me as I was examining them.
Another Coronet with a little Puffer right next to it
A sea urchin hides, waiting to sting unsuspecting snorkelers.
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